Weldchain is a welding start-up with a strategy for optimizing welding processes on the blockchain.
React.Js, Web3.JS
Node.Js, Ganache, Truffle Suite, Solidity
Metamask, IPDFs
The Challenge
Currently, the welding industry lacks a central, accessible, and secure platform for weld documentation practices. This causes a high rate of costly inefficiencies, waste and rework.
The Solution
WeldChain is leveraging proven blockchain, smart contract, and token technologies to create a public platform that allows the entire pipe welding supply chain to record, share and trade information in a way that is permanent, immutable, secure, and confidential.
Current weld documentation processes vary resulting in inefficiencies, waste, and rework. The strategy is to use micro-incentives enabled by blockchain technologies to ensure timely and verifiable welding documentation while rapidly expanding the platform.
We’re changing the way people think of supply chain.
Let’s collaborate
Got a project?
We’re a team of engineers who are excited about unique ideas and helping the construction industry break technological barriers.